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61.12.4 -track suits, ski-suits and swimwear, knitted or crocheted: --women's or girls' swimwear
61.12 -track suits, ski-suits and swimwear, knitted or crocheted:

61 Articles of apparel and clothing accessories, knitted or crocheted

Текстиль и изделия -track suits, ski-suits and swimwear, knitted or crocheted: --women's or girls' swimwear ---of other textile materials

Профиль маркетинга
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Таможенной номенклатуры

- Таможенной номенклатуры
- Текстиль и изделия
- 61 Articles of apparel and clothing accessories, knitted or crocheted
- 61.12 -track suits, ski-suits and swimwear, knitted or crocheted:
- 61.12.4 -track suits, ski-suits and swimwear, knitted or crocheted: --women's or girls' swimwear
- -track suits, ski-suits and swimwear, knitted or crocheted: --women's or girls' swimwear ---of other textile materials
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